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High-Quality Air Conditioning Repair in Memphis, TN

Kings Services LLC provides air conditioning repair to Memphis, TN and the surrounding area. The summers are scorching, and a home without AC is equally uncomfortable. We’re here to help you when the unthinkable happens. All you have to do is call our specialists. We’ll arrive at your home and begin diagnostics of your system. Air conditioners are complicated machines with many moving parts. But our technicians have years of experience and understand how to repair or install all manufacturers’ ACs. As a result, we are the most trusted source for air conditioner services in the area. You can trust our team to keep your home cool and comfortable all summer.

handyman with ac compressor kit

The Surprising Benefits of Purchasing a New Air Conditioner

We always try to repair an air conditioner before suggesting that our customers replace their units. However, sometimes that isn’t possible. ACs over 15 years old need replacing. And if you are calling our team multiple times a summer, it might be more cost-effective to replace the AC. No matter the reason, you can count on several undeniable benefits of a new air conditioner.

Benefits Include

Reduced Energy Consumption

Manufacturers design their air conditioners with efficiency in mind. Today’s ACs consume less energy, ensuring lower utility bills but better performance. We highly recommend exploring the possibilities an Energy Star ® AC provides.

Increased Comfort

Old air conditioners will not keep your home as cold. You’ll struggle to get the indoor temperature to match the thermostat, making it difficult to achieve consistent comfort. However, a new air conditioner will enhance your comfort.

Improved Air Quality

Air conditioners do more than cool your home. They are also responsible for creating clean air. By installing a new AC, you will enjoy better air quality throughout your home. Modern air conditioners feature a host of air scrubbing features.


Modern air conditioners will last much longer than your current model. Manufacturers want to give consumers a machine that lasts at least a decade, and our customers benefit from their innovative thinking.

More Options

Maybe all you need is a standard air conditioner. That’s fine! But there are more options on the market than you might think. Some ACs offer zoning systems, and others feature smart thermostats, allowing greater flexibility and convenience.

We Provide Crucial Repairs, Installations, and Maintenance

At Kings Services LLC , we want to ensure you enjoy comfort throughout the Memphis summers. That’s why we offer a comprehensive range of air conditioner-related services. For instance, in addition to repairs and new installations, our team can also handle routine maintenance. We highly recommend contacting our team before summer strikes to give your air conditioner a clean bill of health. We will root out any potential issues before they cause an inconvenient shutdown on a hot day.

Need Help? Contact Our Technicians Today!